
Hello. My name is Katerina, and this page is about my Second Life.

There are many things one can do in SL. I like exploring new places, especially those made with some effort and attention to detail, meeting new interesting people and hanging out with old friends, dancing in clubs and listening to good music, trying out new styles and collecting outfits, making photo sets and sometimes even constructing some funny scripted gadgets.

I prefer things that look realistic. I don't try to turn my avatar into an exact copy of my real self, but I keep its appearance at least somewhat similar to how I look. I've never been a fan of those avatars which resemble dolls or cartoon characters, as well as those with too unnatural proportions. Well, unless it's something really creative.

Initially, my good friend designed this awesome site for me so I could easily share my SL stuff with others. I was simply using his templates and trying not to break anything. As time went on, I learned some web development skills of my own, and now I can make changes here more comfortably.

This is the most convenient place for sharing my content so far. It is free, it has no ads, no restrictions and no censorship. Here I can post whatever I want, and if it somehow offends your feelings or violates your standards, then you can kindly go fuck yourself. Otherwise, enjoy having a look.

I have photos

I like taking photos in SL, and I've made some good progress in it over the past few years. Sometimes I create photo sets on my own, sometimes I pose for other SL photographers.

As with my avatar, I try to keep my photos realistic and detailed. I used to do quite big photo sets for which I would pick a well-designed photogenic location and wear an outfit that matched the environment. Each of those sets was meant to be like a little story of how I explored the place and tried out things that I could find there.

More recently, I rarely have time to spend a whole day on SL photography. So my albums are more like a collection of nice shots which I occasionally take at parties with friends and at some other places I visit.

You may check out my photo gallery here. Quality is more important than quantity, so I upload new pictures not very often. Come for updates once in a few months.

I have guides on SL for beginners

SL has a lot of features to learn and figure out. Shortly after I started playing, I created a simple text file for various useful notes about things in SL. I kept adding more, and after a few months my file was already a dozen screens long. So I did my best to organize all that info and make a guide that might be helpful to someone who has recently joined SL or returned to it after a long break.

It's a pretty long tutorial that takes an hour to read, but it can possibly save dozens of hours of your time by avoiding some basic mistakes. I really wish I had such a guide during my first few months in SL.

Also, since I've finally figured out how to take rather good professional-looking photos, I've made a separate guide on SL photography that contains some basic and most important advices for those who like taking pictures and wish to learn how to do it well.

Finally, I've learned some LSL scripting to the level that allowed me to create several unique products for the Marketplace. I have a lot of notes, and will possibly make a guide on LSL scripts for beginners.

I have a little shop

My store on the Marketplace is not a big or famous one, but it has some interesting products you may like.

Small Steps HUD is the most recent creation. Ever tried to line up with your friends at a dance club and couldn't get your avatar in the right spot? Or moved it just a little bit while taking a photo and completely messed up the camera angle? This HUD saves you the headache by letting you take tiny steps in 16 possible directions. I use it myself and always have it attached.

Swarm Deploying Machine is the most complex project I've completed so far. It creates a swarm of up to 512 prims which can take on different shapes and colors, change transparency, glow in the dark, etc. The swarm can take multiple complex 3-dimensional formations, such as Lissajous curves or a cinquefoil knot. This device can create a visual performance like a swarm of drones in real life. Some interesting updates are planned.

Talkative Mushroom has a vocabulary of a few hundred words sorted into categories, and an algorithm that picks random words from each category and puts them together into a grammatically correct sentence. The result usually looks like something that a person high on drugs would say, but still makes sense. Due to the randomness, there's about 5 billion unique combinations of words that this hallucinating mushroom can produce.

Talkative Alien Device and Talkative Ancient Evil are based on the same idea, but each has its own aspect. One talks like a conspirologist, claiming that aliens and reptiloids have infiltrated the government and want to steal your tinfoil hat. The other one tries to give you nightmares by describing some evil creatures that keep inventing intricate ways to turn you into a six-winged camel and make sushi with your eyeballs.

Trivia is more of a niche thing. You may have seen a trivia game in SL: a bot asks questions in the local chat, and the first person to type in the correct answer first wins a prize. I've made several sets of questions for this game. This is also fun in a way - where else would you learn that turtles can breathe through their anuses?

I already have ideas for other things I could possibly create in SL and sell in my store.

My SL Photo Albums

Photographing in SL is definitely easier than in real life, as you can always move and rotate your camera in any direction and take a picture from any spot. Nevertheless, it's not entirely a piece of cake. Sometimes it takes up to 20 minutes just to capture one good shot with the perfect angle, body pose, facial expression, and something cool in the background.

Some of my photos could be considered erotic, but I don't do porn or anything too explicit. Normally, I try to keep it diverse and focus on taking photos in various interesting environments rather than just endlessly producing more pictures of my own ass.

Older photo albums from several years ago may look somewhat amateurish, but I'm still satisfied with the quality. The latest albums are more advanced, made in higher resolution and with more attention to some tiny details.

Each album contains up to a hundred high-quality images. Don't expect it to load instantly if you are on a slow connection. Give it a minute if needed.


Coming soon!


More coming soon!


The year 2022 was quite turbulent with a lot of real life events and a relocation to another country. I didn't have time to make large photo albums, yet I did play SL when I had free days. Hundreds of pictures piled up.

Recently, I have finally started my little counteroffensive against that pile of unsorted photos. I've split them into several major categories (exploration, parties, fun with friends, etc.) and will share my progress each time a new big chunk is finished.


This was a year of experimentation and gradual improvement. Small changes and tweaks added up and resulted in a much better shape and more realistic look. I also figured out more optimal ways to take and edit pictures and switched to a more professional style of creating photo albums.

Also, I still have some unsorted pictures and unfinished projects from 2021. So, as strange as it sounds, more coming soon!


The main difference in 2020 is that I started posing for other SL photographers. Many of the photos here were taken by someone else (although I did the final editing), and I credited the photographer in each case. It was an interesting experience, but in the end I just came to the conclusion that I can do it better than most of those guys.


The year 2019 was the time when I started making large photo albums, often with way too many pictures from the same area. Some of the photos are far from perfect by my today's standards, though I still like the mood of those sets. And without all that practice I'd never get to the level I'm at now.


I joined SL in early 2018, and it's easy to guess that for most of the year I was figuring out what this virtual world is all about and how to attach my head to my body. So there aren't really many good photos from 2018, yet some occasional nice shots and fun moments are still worth sharing.

If you really enjoy what I do, you can support me with some lindens (this link will open in your SL viewer).

My Guides on SL

I like helping people. Luckily, with modern technologies we don't need to spend time explaining everything to everyone individually. To help those new players who are just starting their journey in SL, I have put together some useful tips and advices on various aspects of this virtual world and created several guides.

People are often reluctant to learn new information only because it is poorly structured or badly presented. In my guides, I try to explain everything in a clear and understandable way, while keeping it comprehensive and not too boring.

The guide for beginners has been fully updated and now contains a lot of new useful info. Another long guide, on the basics of LSL scripting, is planned for the foreseeable future.

If you really appreciate the work I've done, you can support me with some lindens (this link will open in your SL viewer).

SL Photography Guide

This guide is a compilation of basic advises on photography in SL. It is intended to help you get started, learn how to do it properly, and save your time by avoiding some common mistakes.

Keep in mind that learning to be a good photographer takes a lot of time and experience. It can't be taught via a short guide. Most of the advises here are not about photography in general, but rather focus on some specific practical aspects of photography in SL.

People who are already familiar with the topic may also find some useful hints in this guide. Any feedback and constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated.